When your client requires 2nr 30m platform extensions and they have 2 weeks of rules of the route possessions to get them complete, this would probably pose a problem for most platform systems. Factor in the nearest access point and storage yard is 1km up the track then we dare say there’s not many capable of working to the programme.

At Bilbrook MPL never needed the second week of access allowing the client to bring forward the rest of their programmes. Despite the 1km distance from access point to worksite and the fact all materials had to be brought from this area MPL began the rules of the route installation on the 30th of April and completed it by the 7th of May. Getting only 23 working hours across the week.

The Bilbrook platforms were also found at the bottom of an embankment where the track drainage was providing a soak away for much of the surface run off for the surrounding town. MegaTech’s lightweight EPS system meant a minimal ground bearing pressure requirement was easily met allowing the quick installation of both extensions.

A great job for all involved and well delivered alongside Dyer and Butler for our client GA.

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